Mission Statement and Bylaws


This mission statement, constitution, and the bylaws below are being submitted for the consideration of the membership of the Medieval Club of New York.  It has become necessary for us to draft these documents in order that our organization remain in compliance with Federal law and the laws of the State of New York for non-profit educational groups.  This documentation, which, once approved by our membership, will be available on our website, is also required in order that the Medieval Club of New York may establish a collective PayPal account for the collection of membership dues on our website. 

Members of the Medieval Club of New York are invited to review this mission statement and bylaws and submit comments to the officers of the Medieval Club of New York by email at:

Mission Statement:

The Medieval Club of New York was founded to provide a nexus of scholarly exchange on topics related to the study of the medieval period across all disciplines.  The Medieval Club of New York offers six annual lectures by scholars and specialists, one of which is a funded lecture, dedicated to the literary scholar Rossell Hope Robbins (1913-1990). The Medieval Club of New York also sponsors paper sessions at the annual International Congress of Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, Michigan; the Medieval Academy of America; and other meetings of learned societies on topics related to events and culture during the medieval period.  We welcome academics, students, independent scholars, and non-specialists to all our lectures, which are free, and open to the public.


            Article I: Name
            The name of this organization shall be the Medieval Club of New York

            Article II: Purpose:
            The Medieval Club is an organization formed exclusively for educational
            purposes, as per section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Medieval Club        of New York was founded to provide a nexus of scholarly exchange on topics related             to the study of the medieval period across all disciplines.  

            Article III: Membership
            Membership in the Medieval Club of New York is open to all-dues paying individuals—   academics, students, independent scholars, and non-specialists--with interests in           attending lectures and events sponsored by the Medieval Club. 

            Article IV: Governance
            The Medieval Club of New York will be governed by four officers, joined by a Board of Directors, as specified in the bylaws below.

            Article V: Activities
The Medieval Club of New York will offer six annual lectures by scholars and specialists in various sub-fields of Medieval Studies.  One lecture annually will be a funded lecture (with honorarium), dedicated to the literary scholar Rossell Hope Robbins (1913-1990).  The Medieval Club of New York will also sponsors paper sessions at conferences on Medieval Studies,  such as the Annual International Congress of Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, Michigan; the Medieval Academy of America; and other learned societies in medieval studies as officers may deem appropriate. 

            Article VI: Dues
            The Medieval Club of New York shall have the right to assess dues for the support of its activities.

            Article VII: Contributions

            The Medieval Club of New York shall have the right to receive charitable contributions     to support its funded lecture through “The Rossell Hope Robbins Fund.”
            Article VIII: Amendments

            Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a petition of ten or more members and/or the Officers of the Society.  Approval may be signaled either by an open show of          hands in a meeting of the Medieval Club of New York by a majority of those present, or,        if it inappropriate in the judgment of Officers of the Medieval Club and/or the Board of        Directors, by written or on-line ballot.


            Article IX: Dissolution:
            Upon dissolution of the Medieval Club of New York, the Officers and the Board of         Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities       of the Medieval Club of New York, dispose of all the assets of the Medieval Club of New          York exclusively for the purposes of the Medieval Club in such manner, or to such      organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable,             educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt          organization or organizations   under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States revenue law), as the Officers   and Board of Directors shall determine.

            Article I. Membership
            1. Upon application to the Treasurer and payment of annual dues, any person
            involved or interested in research on the medieval period (in western Europe or      elsewhere), may become a member of the Medieval Club of New York.

2. A member shall be entitled to attendance at meetings of the Medieval Club of  New York; information concerning other conferences and activities of relevance to research on the medieval period held throughout the New York Area that are shared with members;  as well as the opportunity to apply to participate in Medieval Club-sponsored  sessions and panels at scholarly conferences, and to contribute to the organization’s website/blog at  http://medievalclubofnewyork.blogspot.com/

                3. The Board of Directors shall determine dues.  The dues year shall run from         September to May of each academic year.  All dues are payable at the start of each       academic year.
            4. Members whose dues are in arrears more than thirty-six months shall have their names   dropped from the active membership rolls of the Medieval Club and lose attendant     privileges.


            Article II: Governance

  1. The Medieval Club of New York shall be governed by four officers and a Board of Directors.

  1. The four officers, elected bi-annually, will be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer.

  1. The four Officers of the Medieval Club of New York will all enjoy membership in the Board of Directors.

  1. The Board of Directors of the Medieval Club of New York shall consist, in addition, at a minimum, of the three (3) past presidents who have served consecutively, as well as any additional members, voted on by the officers and three past presidents, who are considered to contribute valuable guidance to the organization.

  1. The Duties of the Board of Directors shall include, but need not be limited to the following:
a.       Meet at least once annually, to discuss possible lecture speakers, set the lecture schedule, and conference paper topics;
b.      Nominate future officers, as vacancies occur;
c.       Review, as needed, the schedule of dues required for club membership, as well as other fiscal matters related to the club, under the purview of the treasurer;
d.      Review, as needed, the design of the Medieval Club website or other matters related to the representation of the Medieval Club of New York on internet or social media sites;
e.       Review, as needed, the governance arrangements of the Medieval Club of New York.
f.       Review, as needed, the fiscal arrangements of the Medieval Club of New York, in order to assure that they are in appropriate keeping with best financial practices.

  1. The President shall be elected bi-annually, by a show of hands at the final spring meeting of the Medieval Club of New York.
a.       The President’s duties shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
1.      Contact, or delegate contact, with prospective speakers;
2.      Promulgate the schedule of meetings to the membership via e-mail, and the website of the Medieval Club of New York;
3.      Host pre-lecture dinners for each speaker, with reimbursement for the speaker’s meal being derived from dues and reimbursed, upon presentation of receipt, by the treasurer of the Medieval Club of New York;
4.      Introduce speakers at each meeting of the Medieval Club of New York, or delegate this responsibility, as deemed appropriate;
5.      Assist the Vice-President, where necessary, with the disposition of refreshments for the post-lecture reception;
6.      Oversee the website of the Medieval Club of the New York, or delegate this responsibility, where appropriate, to the Vice-President and/or secretary;
7.      Represent the club, as needed and appropriate, to outside organizations, including, and not limited to, The Medieval Academy of America's Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA); the City University Graduate Center; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and other graduate programs, faculty, and students in Medieval Studies locally and internationally, as well as cultural institutions and scholarly societies with which the Medieval Club of New York might collaborate;

8.      Host the annual spring meeting for the Board of Directors.

  1. The Vice-President shall be elected bi-annually, by a show of hands at the final spring meeting of the Medieval Club of New York.
a.       The Vice-President’s duties shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
1.      Take principal responsibility for purchase and disposition of food and wine for the post-lecture reception, for which the Vice-President, upon presentation of receipts to the Treasurer, shall receive reimbursement from the assets of the Medieval Club of New York;
2.      Assist the President, where needed, with contacting prospective speakers;
3.      Assist the President, where needed, with hosting pre-lecture dinners for prospective speakers;
4.      Assist the President, where needed, with the maintenance of the website of the Medieval Club of New York; and notices to members about forthcoming events;
5.      Assist the President, where needed, with the introduction of lecture speakers;
9.      Assist the President, where needed, with the representation of the Medieval Club of New York to  outside organizations, including, and not limited to, The Medieval Academy of America's Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA); the City University Graduate Center; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and other graduate programs, faculty, and students in Medieval Studies locally and internationally, as well as cultural institutions and scholarly societies with which the Medieval Club of New York might collaborate;

  1. The Secretary shall be elected bi-annually, by a show of hands at the final spring meeting of the Medieval Club of New York.
a.       The Secretary’s duties shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
1.      The maintenance of the email list of dues-paying members, as well as dues paying members over the past three years;
2.      Working with the President and  the Treasurer, send out email reminders to those members whose dues are in arrears;
3.      Working with the President and the Treasurer, send out letters thanking contributors to the Rossell Hope Robbins fund should their contributions become tax-deductible.
4.      Assisting the Vice-President, where needed, with the purchase and disposition of food and wine for the post-lecture reception, for which the Secretary; upon presentation of receipts to the Treasurer, shall receive reimbursement from the assets of the Medieval Club of New York;
5.      Assisting the President and Vice-President with contacting prospective speakers;
6.      Assisting the President and Vice-President, where needed, with the maintenance of the website of the Medieval Club of New York;
7.      Assisting the President, and Vice-President, with the promulgation of notices concerning lectures and other events related to Medieval Studies that might be sponsored by the Medieval Club of New York;
8.      Assisting the President and Vice-President, where needed, with the representation of the Medieval Club of New York to  outside organizations, including, and not limited to, The Medieval Academy of America's Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA); the City University Graduate Center; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and other graduate programs, faculty, and students in Medieval Studies locally and internationally, as well as cultural institutions and scholarly societies with which the Medieval Club of New York might collaborate;

  1. The Treasurer shall be elected bi-annually, by a show of hands at the final spring meeting of the Medieval Club of New York.
b.      The Treasurer’s duties shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
1.      Maintained of a bank/credit union account for the Medieval Club of New York;
2.      Receipt and deposit of dues from members of the Medieval Club of New York;
3.      Maintenance of an annual membership record;
4.      Under the direction of the Board of Directors, establish and oversee the
                        internal financial procedures of the Academy in accord with best financial
5.      Receipt and deposit of contributions to the “Rossell Hope Robbins” fund for the funded lecture given once, annually, with an honorarium of $250.00.
6.      Disbursal of reimbursements to Club Officers (upon presentation of receipts) for
a.       Dinner for speakers (and, in some cases, an invited guest);
b.      Refreshments for post-lecture reception;
c.       An Honorarium of $250.00 for each Rossell Hope Robbins speaker;
d.      Travel expenses (upon presentation of receipts) for Rossell Hope Robbins speakers;
e.       Expenses related to postage for letters, leaflets, or other communications sent by the Medieval Club of New York
f.       Other expenses as may be required under the direction of the Club Officers and the Board of Directors
7.      Assembly of an annual budget report detailing
a.       paid dues,
b.      contributions to the Rossell Hope Robbins fund,
c.       expenses for refreshments and dinners;
d.      expenses for website maintenance, CARA dues, and other external expenses
e.       make the financial records of the Medieval Club of New York available for an annual audit or review as determined by the Club’s Board of Directors.

  1. Should any officer or Board member be compelled to resign in the middle of the Academic year, the remaining Club Officers and Board members may confer to put a name forward to the membership, to be elected, by a show of hands, at the next meeting of the Medieval Club of New York.

Article III: Amendments

1.      Any member may have the right, upon the presentation of a petition containing the signatures of ten or more members in agreement, to propose amendments to these bylaws. Approval may be signaled either by an open show of hands in a meeting of the Medieval Club of New York by a majority of those present, or, if it is appropriate in the judgment of Officers of the Medieval Club and/or the Board of Directors, by written or on-line ballot. Such revisions or new by-laws shall be submitted to the members in good standing for ratification by an email or postal ballot, and will become effective upon endorsement by the majority of the membership casting ballots.

2.      Any member of the Board of Directors shall enjoy the ability to propose the revision of by-laws or the adoption of new by-laws for the governance of the club. Such revisions or new by-laws shall be submitted to the members in good standing for ratification by an email or postal ballot, and will become effective upon endorsement by the majority of the membership casting ballots.

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