Saturday, January 23, 2010

Medieval Nature and Its Others


Medieval Nature and its Others

Organized by Christopher Cannon and Carolyn Dinshaw

Friday, April 23, 2009

13-19 University Place, room 102

1:30pm- 7:00 pm


Moderator, Susan Crane,(Columbia University),


N. Katherine Hayles (Duke University), Bruce Holsinger (University of Virginia), Eileen Joy (Southern Illinois University),

Mark Miller (University of Chicago), Kellie Robertson (University of Wisconsin)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

CELCE Spring Program

We are pleased to announce the list of spring semester events for the NYU English Department Colloquium for Early Literature and Culture in English (CELCE). Unless otherwise noted, events are held Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in 19 University Place; rooms are noted below. Visitors from outside NYU should bring photo ID to sign into NYU buildings. All are welcome!

If you have questions, contact Liza Blake, elizabeth[dot]blake[at]nyu[
dot]edu, Katie Vomero Santos, kathryn[dot]vomero[at]nyu[dot]edu, or Sarah Ostendorf, sco229[at]nyu[dot]edu.

February 4
Paris is Worth a Massacre: Marlowe and the Death of Ramus
(pre-circulated paper; email the organizers for a copy)
John Guillory
Room 222

February 25
The Poetics of Praise
Cary Howie
Room 222

March 12 (Friday)
The Untimely Mammet of Verona
Gil Harris
Room 222

April 8
Feeling Time: Prose Aesthetics in the Cloud of Unknowing
Eleanor Johnson
Room 224

April 22
Keeping Things Still in Renaissance England
Julian Yates
Room 224

Christiana Sogno @ Fordham

The Center for Medieval Studies at Fordham University
Spring 2010 Lecture Series

How Did Symmachus Become the ‘Last Great Pagan’?

A Lecture by
Dr. Christiana Sogno
Fordham University

Wednesday, January 27th, 12:00 p.m.
O’Hare Collections, 4th Floor, Walsh Library, Rose Hill Campus

The lecture is free and open to the public. A Reception will follow the talk.

In the Fall of 384 CE, Q. Aurelius Symmachus wrote an impassioned speech in the form of a letter in order to defend the traditional religion of Rome, thus engaging in the so-called “Battle of the Altar” with the fierce bishop of Milan, Ambrose. Even though Symmachus lost the battle, that impassioned relatio eventually became his most famous and celebrated piece of writing, and there can be little doubt that it greatly contributed to Symmachus’ “modern” reputation as one of the last great “pagans.” But how deserved is this reputation? Not entirely deserved, one might argue, given the fact that a careful and recent analysis of his letters shows that a great many correspondents of Symmachus were in fact Christians. Leaving aside the (vexed) problem of Symmachus’ commitment to the “pagan cause,” this paper will focus on the issue of Symmachus’ reputation: Was Symmachus always regarded as the “last great pagan”? If not, when and how did he become one? Such questions are not mere curiosities, but might be helpful for understanding how scholarly prejudices are born, and how they influence the research and study of history.

For more information, contact:
Center for Medieval Studies

Fordham University

(718) 817-4655

Friday, January 15, 2010

Latinities in England

The Anglo-Saxon Studies Colloquium


Latinities in England, 894-1135

A workshop in two parts

David Townsend

(University of Toronto)

Friday, January 22

* * * * * *

Morning Session (11 a.m.—12:30 p.m.)

Asser and Æthelweard

Afternoon Session (2 p.m.—3:30 p.m.)

Goscelin and William of Malmesbury

* * * * * *

New York University

13-19 University Place, Room 229

Co-sponsored by the Department of English, New York University

Please note: the event is open to pre-registered participants only; for pre-registration and recommended reading, please contact Gerald Song (

To join our e-mail list, please send a message to:

For further updates and future talks, please check our website:

Peter Landau @ Columbia

The Dept. of Religion & the Rare Book and Manuscript Library present a lecture by Prof. Peter Landau, University of Munich:

Identifying the Archpoeta: Canon Law and Latin Poetry in Twelfth-Century Cologne

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 5:00 pm
Room 523 Butler Library, Columbia University
Reception to follow

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fordham Spring Lectures

Center for Medieval Studies

Spring 2010 Lecture Series

Wednesday, January 27, 1:00 p.m.

O’Hare Collections, 4th Floor, Walsh Library

How Did Symmachus Become the Last Great Pagan?

Christiana Sogno, Fordham University

Wednesday, February 24, 5:00 p.m.

Faculty Lounge, 12th Floor, Leon Lowenstein Building, Lincoln Center

Boccacio’s Family Romance

Pier Massimo Forni, Johns Hopkins University

Wednesday, March 10, 12:00 p.m.

O’Hare Collections, 4th Floor, Walsh Library

A Prince Goes Shopping. Art and Luxuries, the Duke and His City (Bruges in the Burgundian Era c. 1380-c.1500)

Peter Stabel, University of Antwerp

March 27-28, Leon Lowenstein Building, Lincoln Center

30th Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval Studies:

New Directions in Medieval Scandinavian Studies

Friday, April 9, 5:15 p.m.

University Commons, Duane Library

Parochial Communities in Late Medieval England: a Matter of Perspective

All are invited. A Reception or Lunch Buffet follows each talk

For more information, contact

Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University

(718) 817-4655;