Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Beheading and the Impossible

Non potest hoc corpus decollari: Beheading and the Impossible
Nicola Masciandaro

The human being arrives at the threshold: there he must throw himself headlong into that which has no foundation and has no head.—Georges Bataille

We are the limbs of that head. This body cannot be decapitated.—Augustine

When thou seest in the pathway a severed head . . . Ask of it, ask of it the secrets of the heart.—Rumi

Beheading and sanctity are fundamentally related within the Christian experience and understanding of holy martyrdom. As suggested already in John’s apocalyptic vision of the “souls of them that were beheaded [animas decollatorum] for testimony [testimonium, marturion] of Jesus” (Rev 20:4), saintly decapitation is inseparable from dying as God’s witness—a conjunction formalized in the at-best-brief survivability of beheading, its being the unmistakable terminus ad quem of martyric passion. This relation is implicated, crucially and paradoxically, in the ultimate impossibility of beheading in light of the capital hierarchy regularized by Paul: “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God” (1 Cor 11:3). In short, saintly decapitation dramatizes spiritual unbeheadability. Focusing on elements of the impossible within the tradition of hagiographical beheadings inaugurated by John the Baptist’s execution, this lecture analyzes and enjoys the phenomenal and poetic logic of beheading as a window that opens at once onto the originary meaning of Christian decapitation and into the essential impossibility of the head itself.

Friday, December 4, 2009, 7:30 PM
CUNY Graduate Center (365 Fifth Ave. @ 34th St.), Room 4406.
Reception, with wine and cheese, follows.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Sorrow of Being"

"The Sorrow of Being"
Nicola Masciandaro (CUNY)

Thursday, November 12th, 6:30 p.m.
19 University Place, room 224
(non-NYU guests, please bring photo ID to sign into the building)

Sorrow seems universally related, in one way or another, to the principle of evil or privation. Sorrows of love, of loss, of pain, of disappointment, of conscience—all are barely thinkable without reference to some problematic object, the negative thing that one sorrows over. This relation is exemplified by Augustine’s definition of sorrow as counter-volition or refusal: “cum . . . dissentimus ab eo quod nolentibus accidit, talis voluntas tristitia est” [sorrow is the will’s disagreement with something that happened against our will]. But is there a form of sorrow that remains or emerges when all possible objects of sorrow are taken away, when there is nothing to sorrow over, a sorrow of being? The idea of such sorrow, a sorrow that takes sorrow beyond its own possibility, appears at once obvious and absurd. Existence simultaneously is and is not the greatest “something that happened against our will.” A pure sorrow, a perfect sorrow, a sorrow whose meaning is infinite? In dialogue with The Cloud of Unknowing and other late-medieval mystical texts, this lecture speculates about the nature of such sorrow and its relations to facticity, actuality, work, interpretation, and ecstasy.

If you have questions, please contact:

Liza Blake (elizabeth[dot]blake[at]nyu[dot]edu),
Katie Vomero Santos (kathryn[dot]vomero[at]nyu[dot]edu), or
Sarah Ostendorf (sco229[at]nyu[dot]edu).

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bodily Effects of Visions

A reminder that Professor Gabor Klaniczay of the Central European University (Budapest), one of the world's leading experts in popular religion, saints' cults, magic, and witchcraft, will be speaking at Rutgers on Monday, 9 November, at 5:00 p.m., in Van Dyck Hall room 301. His presentation, "Bodily Effects of Visions: The Medieval Evidence," will treat visible marks of human interaction with the supernatural, and the uncertainty surrounding their interpretation (as mystical contact with God or as demonic), with special attention to the most famous physical mark of such contact, the stigmata.

New Directions in Medieval Scholarship

Pearl Kibre Medieval Study

Second Annual Roundtable

New Directions in Medieval Scholarship

November 13, 2009

2:00 p.m. ◊ Room 5414

CUNY Graduate Center


Ottavio Di Camillo, Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures & Languages, Graduate Center


Andrew Arlig, Department of Philosophy, Brooklyn College
Medieval philosophers and material objects

Marlene Hennessy, Department of English, Hunter College
Medieval ideas of reading, the book, and religious practice in late medieval England

Nicola Masciandaro, Department of English, Brooklyn College
“The Truth of Commentary”

Emily Tai, Department of History, Queensborough Community College
Medieval Mediterranean piracy

Following the presentations, all are encouraged to participate in open discussion regarding current trends in medieval studies. The roundtable will be followed by a reception.

We also invite everyone to attend the November 13 meeting of the Friends of the Saints at the GC, room 5105, at 7:00 p.m. Prof. Timmie Vitz of NYU will be speaking: Can we re-awaken the performance of the hagiographical folktale of the 'Seven Sleepers of Ephesus'?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Medieval Club of New York, Schedule of Events 2009-10

Medieval Club of New York

Schedule of Events 2009-10

Friday, October 2, 2009, 7:30 PM
Medieval and Early Modern Merchants: A Roundtable Discussion
Mario DiGangi, Lehman College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
Martha Howell, Columbia University
D. Vance Smith, Princeton University
Emily Tai, Queensborough College, CUNY

Friday, November 6, 2009, 7:30 PM
“Bread and Milk for Children”: The Treatise on the Astrolabe or What Chaucer Did to the Māšā'allāh
Christopher Cannon
New York University

Friday, December 4, 2009, 7:30 PM
Non potest hoc corpus decollari: Beheading and the Impossible
Nicola Masciandaro
Brooklyn College, CUNY

Friday, February 5, 2010, 7:30 PM
Illuminating the Law
Jesús Rodriquez Velasco
Columbia University

Friday, March 5, 2010, 6:30 PM at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Art of Illumination, the Limbourg Brothers and the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry
Tim Husband
Curator, Department of Medieval Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Friday, April 9, 2010, 7:30 PM
Vézelay, Counterpleasure, and the Sex Lives of Monks
Robert Mills
King’s College London
Twentieth Annual Rossell Hope Robbins Lecture
Respondent: Carolyn Dinshaw, New York University

Officers of the Club
President: Glenn Burger
Vice-President: Jennifer Brown
Secretary: Valerie Allen
Treasurer: Emily Tai

Unless otherwise noted, all lectures meet at the CUNY Graduate Center (365 Fifth Ave. @ 34th St.), Room 4406. Reception, with wine and cheese, follows.

Upcoming Lecture: The Jaharis Gospel Lectionary

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 4:00 p.m.


The Jaharis Gospel Lectionary: A Manuscript for Use in Hagia Sophia

John Lowden
Professor, Courtauld Institute of Art

The lecture examines an illuminated Byzantine manuscript, which went on display at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in November 2008. Recent research has determined that the virtually unknown book was used in Hagia Sophia, the seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, and/or possibly in one of its nearby dependent churches. Made around 1100, it remains in superb condition.

Bonnie J. Sacerdote Lecture Hall,
Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10028

Free with Museum admission; tickets and reservations not required.

For further information, please call (212) 396-5460, or contact

Thursday, September 17, 2009

NYU English Medieval Forum Events, Fall 2009

We are pleased to announce the list of the Fall semester events for the NYU English Department Medieval Forum. The Medieval Forum meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm. All events will be held in 19 University Place, room 224, unless otherwise noted (visitors from outside NYU should bring photo ID to sign into the building). All are welcome!

If you have questions, contact Liza Blake, elizabeth[dot]blake[at]nyu[dot]edu, Katie Vomero Santos, kathryn[dot]vomero[at]nyu[dot]edu, or Sarah Ostendorf, sco229[at]nyu[dot]edu.

NYU English Medieval Forum
Fall 2009 Events

October 1
In the Merchant's Bedchamber
Glenn Burger

November 12
The Sorrow of Being
Nicola Masciandaro

November 19
Trojan Itineraries: The Fall of Troy and the Francophone Court of Robert of Anjou, King of Naples
Marilynn Desmond
(Binghamton University)
Room 222
Co-sponsored with MARC and with the NYU French Department

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Folia Fugitiva

Folia Fugitiva: The Pursuit of the Illuminated Manuscript Leaf

Roger S. Wieck

Friday, June 19, 2009, 7 p.m.

In this illustrated lecture, Roger S. Wieck, Curator, Department of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, traces the history of collecting individual folios sliced from medieval illuminated manuscripts, a phenomenon that encompasses fifteenth-century piety, the nineteenth-century Gothic Revival, and twenty-first-century eBay. This talk coincides with the exhibition Pages of Gold: Medieval Illuminations from the Morgan.

Free admission.

For further information, please visit, or call 212-685-0008, ext. 560.

The Morgan Library & Museum

225 Madison Avenue, at 36th Street,

New York, NY 10016-3405


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jo Ann Kay McNamara


by Dorothy Helly

Jo Ann K. McNamara died in New York City May 20, age 78, from complications from shoulder surgery in March. Her most recent book is a translation of Paris in the Middle Ages (2009), written by Simone Roux. Prof. McNamara was a scholar of world-wide renown. Her most widely acclaimed book, Sisters in Arms: Catholic Nuns through Two Millenia, was published by Harvard University Press in 1996 and reviewed in the New York Times Book Review by Antonia Fraser. She argued that women as nuns have struggled through the ages to create a separate life which subverts the traditional gender roles assigned to women in every era. The body of her scholarly work has focused primarily on the history of the early middle ages and has ranged broadly over the areas of religion, gender, institution-building, and an attempt to reperiodize and reinterpret the years from 400 to 1100.

Dr. McNamara was a pioneer in making visible women’s roles in medieval society, including the role of women in religion, bringing these perspectives into the mainstream of writing about medieval history and inspiring a new generation of medievalists. Scholars who undertake gender studies and medieval history today automatically turn to McNamara’s contributions. The broad sweep of her innovative thinking turned to rethinking the transition from Roman to medieval times. She early began to argue forcefully that Roman culture did not decline and fall in the 5th century (pace Edward Gibbon), but continued to influence subsequent centuries down to the 12th century.

Jo Ann McNamara was also among the first scholars to insist that the paradigms of women’s history could be applied to men’s history. In her first essay on the subject, she coined the word “Herrenfrage” to convey the concept that gender for men was as problematic and socially constructed as it was for women. This article, “The Herrenfrage: The Restructuring of the Gender System, 1050‑1150,” appeared in Medieval Masculinities (1994), edited by Clare A. Lees. Accordingly, McNamara saw the great ecclesiastical reform movement in 11th-and12th-century Europe as an effort to make celibate priests the new “manly men,” a concept of masculinity meant to replace the warrior as hero and still serve as the role model for Christian society. In this context, she wrote of “chastity” as comprising a “third gender.” Embracing chastity also made both women and men more nearly co-equals than were the two sexes whose separate reproductive roles in secular society underpinned their distinct and hierarchically assigned gender roles.

McNamara’s commitment to exploring new questions regarding sex and gender in the midddle ages was a part of a life of concern about the world around her. As a student in the 1960s all the burning issues of civil rights, the Vietnam war, and the women’s movment made her very politically aware. She actively joined antiwar activities and when the National Organization for Women brought a legal suit against the “men only” policy at McSorleys’ Old Ale House in New York City in1970, she joined a sit-in to make the point. She maintained the life of a political activist and sharp critic throughout her life, along with her deepening scholarly questioning all she had been taught about medieval history as a graduate student. Doing so, she was replicating the experiences of other feminist historians for whom the women’s movement opened up new question about their own lives and the lives of women in the past.

Prof. McNamara’s academic research began with a book on Giles Aycelin: Servant of two Masters (1973). Thereafter she turned to path-breaking work on women, gender, and power in both secular and religious contexts. For this work she was honored by two volumes of medieval history. The first, published in 2003, entitled Gendering the Master Narrative: Women and Power in the Middle Ages, is co-edited by Maryanne Kowaleski and Mary C. Erler. The volume is dedicated to her and published an essay by her reflecting on the first article she and Suzanne Wemple wrote in 1973, “Women and Power through the Family Revisited.” The second volume of essays dedicated to her is Gender and Christianity in Medieval Europe (2008), edited by Lisa M. Bitel and Felice Lifshitz. It is inscribed: “To Jo Ann McNamara magistra doctissima et mater omnium bonarum.” Other essays in this volume examine many of the new interpretations she had brought forward in a series of articles that followed the publication of her book A New Song: Celibate Women in the First Three Christian Centuries (1983).

Asked to contribute an autobiographical essay to Women Medievalists and the Academy (2004-2005), edited by Jane Chance, McNamara wrote about her active participation in the causes about which she felt deeply. She entitled her essay “The Networked Life,” and with a nod to “sympathetic men,” she wrote: “I look back today at the women who befriended me in graduate school, the women who hired me and the innumerable women I knew and those I never knew who have struggled in my lifetime to secure our place in the academy and to advance a scholarship that gives us the means to understand our own experiences. Sisterhood is powerful indeed and it provides a working model for all humanity.”

Born in Janesville, Wisconsin, in 1931, McNamara moved every few years with her family, following her father who held a job as an executive with General Motors. Her early education was in Catholic schools run by nuns. Thereafter, she spent two years as an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania as a theatre-arts major and completed her undergraduate education in Columbia University’s School of General Studies as an English major in 1956. To “recoup her finances,” as she put it in her autobiographical essay, she worked in the military for two years in France as an entertainment director. Back at Columbia University graduate school, she worked as a secretary in the Geology Department. She now turned to medieval history, earning her Ph.D. in 1967. By that time she had begun teaching part time at Hunter College, in its evening session, which was coed, the college itself becoming so in 1964 after a long tradition as a woman’s college. She joined its history department full time when she had earned her doctorate, and later, in the 1990s, became as well a mentor to graduate students at the City University Graduate School.

At Hunter, McNamara took part in the founding of the women’s studies program in the mid 1970s. She joined sister historians in the New York area to form a branch of the Coordinating Council on Women in the Historical Profession, established in 1969 as a caucus within the American Historical Association. She also joined the new Institute for Research in History, created to meet the needs of historians with and without an academic affiliation in the fiscal crises of New York City in the mid 1970s. She helped found a research group in Family History and continued to meet with it until her death, as she did with an equally long-lived interdisciplinary Hagiography research group she founded for studying the lives of saints. She played an active role in the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women from its beginning in1973, insisting on including medievalist in its programs and co-chairing the entire conference in 1982.

Jo Ann McNamara married Eldon Clingan in 1959, retaining her own name, and was divorced from him in 1973. She is survived by her son Edmund Clingan, who has followed in his mother’s footsteps to become a professor of history at Queensborough Community College, CUNY, in the field of modern German history. Her death is greatly mourned by friends and colleagues in this country and throughout the world.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Medieval Club Sponsored Sessions at Kalamazoo

The Medieval Club is sponsoring two sessions at Kalamazoo this year:

Visibility, Presence, Voice: Theorizing Gender and Authority in Late Medieval Writing
Presider: Katharine Jager, Univ. of Houston–Downtown

"Taking Cover: Gender and Vision in Walter Hilton’s Scale of Perfection"
Holly A. Crocker, Univ. of South Carolina–Columbia

"Masculinity’s Self Destruction: Philomena in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde"
Jennifer Garrison, Rutgers Univ.

"Resisting Reason: Authority and Desire in The Romance of the Rose and Piers Plowman"
Jessica Barr, Eureka College

Session 204, Friday 10.00 am, Valley I, Room 105

Glosynge is a glorious thyng: Medieval Studies and the Future of Commentary
Presider: Nicola Masciandaro, Brooklyn College, CUNY

"Dreaming of/as Commentary"
Erin Felicia Labbie, Bowling Green State Univ.

"Room for Commentary"
Christopher Taylor, Univ. of Texas–Austin

"Agamben: Singularity and the Principle of Individuation"
Bruno Gulli, Long Island Univ.

Session 269, Friday 3.30 pm, Valley I, Room 110 (note change of time)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Upcoming Event: David Gary Shaw @ Medieval Club

Information by the Way: Townspeople and Cultural Networks in Later Medieval England
David Gary Shaw

I argue that piepowder people were the most dynamic social class in later medieval England. They were the elite travellers. There were traders among them, but commerce was only a small part of what they achieved and it was not what they shared: piepowder people were united by the purposeful travelling life. They created an intricate social and informational network that accelerated culture by sharing ideas and sharing news. The responsible ‘riding servants’ were one segment of the group. These were often educated men, who worked for their masters by riding out to supervise key tasks, conveying messages, material and commands. They rode too with questions and curiosity. Examining a confidential servant like William Worcestre allows us to see the shape of the information networks that stitched later medieval society and culture together. It also allows us to see as well the way social value and personal identity was shaped by life on the road.

David Gary Shaw is Professor of History at Wesleyan University.
He is the author of The Creation of a Community (1993) and Necessary Conjunctions: The Social Self in Medieval England (2005). He co-edited The Return of Science: Evolution, History and Theory (2002) with Philip Pomper. His current research interests include the circulation of people and ideas in later medieval England and bishops and indulgences in the later medieval English church.

Friday, May 1, 2009, 7:30 PM
CUNY Graduate Center (365 Fifth Ave. @ 34th St.) Room 4406
Reception, with wine and cheese, follows.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Walter Cahn @ The Morgan

At the Pearly Gates: Judgment, Heaven, and Hell in The New Yorker
Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

In this richly illustrated lecture, Walter Cahn, Carnegie Professor of the History of Art (emeritus), Yale University, explores the imagery and views of the hereafter in our own time. Largely a product of the Middle Ages, these depictions surprisingly share the pages of The New Yorker with more familiar satires on the foibles of doctors, lawyers, and twenty-somethings, among other hilarious subjects. Presented in cooperation with the International Center of Medieval Art (ICMA). The exhibition On the Money: Cartoons for The New Yorker From the Melvin R. Seiden Collection will be open at 5:30 p.m. especially for lecture attendees.

Tickets: $15 for Non-Members; $10 for Morgan and ICMA Members

Free to students with valid ID. Reservations recommended (

For tickets, please visit, or call 212-685-0008, ext. 560.

The Arts of Intimacy @ the Queen Sofia Spanish Institute

Monday, April 27, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.

Join Dr. Jerrilynn D. Dodds and Dr. María Rosa Menocal as they engage in a dialogue on the subject of their recent publication, The Arts of Intimacy: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Making of Castilian Culture (co-authored by Abigail Krasner Balbale).

This lavishly illustrated book explores the vibrant interaction among different and sometimes opposing cultures, and how their contacts with one another transformed them all. It chronicles the tumultuous history of Castile in the wake of the Christian capture of the Islamic city of Tulaytula, now Toledo, in the eleventh century and traces the development of Castilian culture as it was forged in the new intimacy of Christians with the Muslims and Jews they had overcome.

The authors paint a portrait of the culture through its arts, architecture, poetry and prose, uniquely combining literary and visual arts. Concentrating on the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the book reveals the extent to which Castilian identity is deeply rooted in the experience of confrontation, interaction, and at times union with Hebrew and Arabic cultures during the first centuries of its creation. Abundantly illustrated, the volume serves as a splendid souvenir of southern Spain; beautifully written, it illuminates a culture deeply enriched by others.

Jerrilynn D. Dodds is distinguished professor and senior faculty advisor to the provost at the City College of the City University of New York. She is author of the prize-winning Architecture and Ideology in Early Medieval Spain and numerous books and catalogs concerning cultural interaction in Spain, Bosnia, and the United States, including NY Masjid: The Mosques of New York and Al-Andalus: The Art of Islamic Spain, which she edited for the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

María Rosa Menocal is director of the Whitney Humanities Center and Sterling Professor of Humanities at Yale University. She has written The Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History: A Forgotten Heritage, Writing in Dante's Cult of Truth: From Borges to Boccaccio, and Shards of Love: Exile and the Origins of the Lyric, and coedited a volume in the Cambridge History of Arabic Literature series, The Literature of al-Andalus. Her most recent book, The Ornament of the World, has been translated into eleven languages.

Please R.S.V.P. to Meryl 212-628-0420 or

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Upcoming Event: Sarah Kay @ Medieval Club

Vernacular Verse Encyclopedism in Medieval France: System and System-Failure
Sarah Kay
Princeton University

The age of the vernacular verse encyclopaedia in France is both remarkably productive, and remarkably short-lived, since it lasts from c. 1230 to c. 1290 at the outside. The rapid demise of the verse encyclopaedia may be due to the rise of prose, with its greater connotation of factuality, and in particular to the success of Brunetto Latini's prose Tresor of the 1260s. However, the energy that went into writing verse encyclopaedias seems to have been diverted into the production of what are often called 'encyclopaedic texts': works that contain passages of the kinds of material found in encyclopaedias but whose overall frame clearly belongs in another genre. The Romance of the Rose would be a good example, since it contains passages on disciplines such as optics and theology within the framework of a narrative dit. This talk reflects on this fall from the systematic character of verse encyclopaedias into the partiality of encyclopaedic verse, and includes discussion of works by Christine de Pizan, Froissart, and Chartier.

Sarah Kay is Professor of French at Princeton University. She is the author of Raoul de Cambrai. Edited with an Introduction, Translation and Notes (1992). Subjectivity in Troubadour Poetry (1990), The Chanson de geste in the Age of Romance: Political Fictions (1995), The Romance of the Rose. Grant and Cutler Critical Guides no. 110 (1995), Courtly Contradictions. The Emergence of the Literary Object in the Twelfth Century (2001), Zizek: A Critical Introduction (2003), A Short History of French Literature, co-written with Malcolm Bowie and Terence Cave (2003), and The Place of Thought. The Complexity of One in French Didactic Literature (2007).

Friday, April 3, 2009, 7:30 PM
CUNY Graduate Center (365 Fifth Ave. @ 34th St.) Room 4406
Reception, with wine and cheese, follows.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Upcoming Event: Matthew Goldie on the Antipodes

The Antipodes: Maps and Travel Literature about Another World
Matthew Goldie
Rider University

The antipodes—the places where people stand on the other “side” of the globe from Europe—are usually thought of in comical, satirical terms; the land and its inhabitants are upside-down, offering an inverted mirror for Europeans to see themselves. However, in the earlier Middle Ages, the antipodes engendered debates about the very existence of people and land in other places on the earth. Later, in the twelfth to fifteenth centuries, when theologians and others acknowledged the existence of the antipodes, the lands and their inhabitants troubled ways of thinking about the world. This presentation will briefly describe the earlier debates about the antipodes before exploring how the antipodes challenged the medieval geographical theories of Roger Bacon and others, the representation of the world on mappaemundi such as Lambert of St. Omer’s Liber floridus, and the discussions of circumnavigation in Caxton’s and Mandeville’s texts. Rather than reflecting Others for Europe’s conceptions of itself, the antipodes and antipodeans challenged epistemologies about the earth.

Matthew Goldie is Associate Professor of English at Rider University. He is the author of Middle English Literature: An Historical Sourcebook (Blackwell, 2003 & 2006), articles on Thomas Hoccleve and late-medieval drama, and a forthcoming book on the antipodes.

Friday, March 6, 2009, 7:30 PM
CUNY Graduate Center (365 Fifth Ave. @ 34th St.) Room C197
Reception, with wine and cheese, follows in Room 5109.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Upcoming Event:: Choirs of Angels at the Met

Choirs of Angels: Painting in Italian Choir Books, 1300-1500

Friday, February 6, 2009
6:30 PM
at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
(meet in the Medieval Sculpture Hall)

Barbara Boehm, Curator in the Department of Medieval Art and The Cloisters, will lead a tour of this special exhibition.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

NYU English Medieval Forum Events, Spring 2009

We are pleased to announce the list of the Spring semester events for the NYU English Department Medieval Forum. Unless otherwise noted, the Medieval Forum meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm.

Please note that our talks will be held in various locations around NYU this semester. (Visitors from outside NYU should bring photo ID to sign into NYU buildings).

All are welcome!

If you have questions, contact Liza Blake, elizabeth[dot]blake[at]nyu[dot]edu.

NYU English Medieval Forum
Fall 2008 Events

February 5
"The Weight of the Past"
Jeffrey Cohen
(George Washington University)
19 University Place, Room 222
Reception at 6pm; lecture at 6:30pm
Co-sponsored with the Anglo-Saxon Studies Colloquium

February 19
"Wondering through the World: Ibn Battuta, the Muslim World, and the 'aja'ib narrative"
Christine Chism
(Rutgers University)
To be held at Columbia University at 6 pm (details TBA)
Co-sponsored with Columbia University

March 10 NEW DATE! Tuesday!
"Cures and Closures: Surgery, Intersex, and the Demands of Difference"
Leah DeVun
(Texas A&M University)
IHPK Conference Room, 285 Mercer Street, 10th Floor
Co-sponsored with CELCE

April 2
"Mythic Capital: Medievalism, Heritage Culture and the Order of the Garter, 1348-2008"
Stephanie Trigg
(University of Melbourne)
19 University Place, Room 222
Co-sponsored with the Medieval and Renaissance Center (MARC)

April 23
"The Politics of the Subjunctive"
Paul Strohm
(Columbia University)
Department of Classics, 100 Washington Square East, Silver Center 503