Monday, September 21, 2009

Medieval Club of New York, Schedule of Events 2009-10

Medieval Club of New York

Schedule of Events 2009-10

Friday, October 2, 2009, 7:30 PM
Medieval and Early Modern Merchants: A Roundtable Discussion
Mario DiGangi, Lehman College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
Martha Howell, Columbia University
D. Vance Smith, Princeton University
Emily Tai, Queensborough College, CUNY

Friday, November 6, 2009, 7:30 PM
“Bread and Milk for Children”: The Treatise on the Astrolabe or What Chaucer Did to the Māšā'allāh
Christopher Cannon
New York University

Friday, December 4, 2009, 7:30 PM
Non potest hoc corpus decollari: Beheading and the Impossible
Nicola Masciandaro
Brooklyn College, CUNY

Friday, February 5, 2010, 7:30 PM
Illuminating the Law
Jesús Rodriquez Velasco
Columbia University

Friday, March 5, 2010, 6:30 PM at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Art of Illumination, the Limbourg Brothers and the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry
Tim Husband
Curator, Department of Medieval Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Friday, April 9, 2010, 7:30 PM
Vézelay, Counterpleasure, and the Sex Lives of Monks
Robert Mills
King’s College London
Twentieth Annual Rossell Hope Robbins Lecture
Respondent: Carolyn Dinshaw, New York University

Officers of the Club
President: Glenn Burger
Vice-President: Jennifer Brown
Secretary: Valerie Allen
Treasurer: Emily Tai

Unless otherwise noted, all lectures meet at the CUNY Graduate Center (365 Fifth Ave. @ 34th St.), Room 4406. Reception, with wine and cheese, follows.

Upcoming Lecture: The Jaharis Gospel Lectionary

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 4:00 p.m.


The Jaharis Gospel Lectionary: A Manuscript for Use in Hagia Sophia

John Lowden
Professor, Courtauld Institute of Art

The lecture examines an illuminated Byzantine manuscript, which went on display at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in November 2008. Recent research has determined that the virtually unknown book was used in Hagia Sophia, the seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, and/or possibly in one of its nearby dependent churches. Made around 1100, it remains in superb condition.

Bonnie J. Sacerdote Lecture Hall,
Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10028

Free with Museum admission; tickets and reservations not required.

For further information, please call (212) 396-5460, or contact

Thursday, September 17, 2009

NYU English Medieval Forum Events, Fall 2009

We are pleased to announce the list of the Fall semester events for the NYU English Department Medieval Forum. The Medieval Forum meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm. All events will be held in 19 University Place, room 224, unless otherwise noted (visitors from outside NYU should bring photo ID to sign into the building). All are welcome!

If you have questions, contact Liza Blake, elizabeth[dot]blake[at]nyu[dot]edu, Katie Vomero Santos, kathryn[dot]vomero[at]nyu[dot]edu, or Sarah Ostendorf, sco229[at]nyu[dot]edu.

NYU English Medieval Forum
Fall 2009 Events

October 1
In the Merchant's Bedchamber
Glenn Burger

November 12
The Sorrow of Being
Nicola Masciandaro

November 19
Trojan Itineraries: The Fall of Troy and the Francophone Court of Robert of Anjou, King of Naples
Marilynn Desmond
(Binghamton University)
Room 222
Co-sponsored with MARC and with the NYU French Department