Friday, November 12, 2010, 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Medieval Club of New York Schedule of Events 2010-11
Friday, November 12, 2010, 7:30 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Robert Mills @ Medieval Club
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Rutgers Events
talks next Monday, March 29:
Kristin Bliksrud Aavitsland
University of Oslo
“Visual Orders? A discussion on ornament and iconography in Romanesque art”
4:30 p.m.
Voorhees Hall Graduate Student Lounge (basement)
College Avenue Campus
(co-sponsored by the Department of Art History)
Seeta Chaganti
University of California at Davis
“Figure and Ground: Elene’s Nails, Cynewulf’s Runes, and Hrabanus Maurus’s
Painted Poems”
6:00 p.m.
Murray Hall room 302
College Avenue Campus
(co-sponsored by the Department of English and Anglo-Saxon Studies)
All are welcome to both. For directions or parking information, please
contact Samantha Kelly at
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Medieval Devotion

FEBRUARY 26, 2-4 pm, ROOM C-202,
Wine and Cheese Reception to Follow)
Jessica Brantley
(English, Yale University)
"Sir Thopas and the Devotional Reader."
Marlene Hennessy
(English, Hunter College, CUNY)
"London, British Library, Egerton MS 1821 and the Late Medieval Somatic Book"
Pamela Sheingorn
(History/Theatre, CUNY Graduate Center)
“Hearing an Illuminated Manuscript: The Role of the Auditory System in Performative Reading”
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dante and Boccaccio: Mythographers of Modernity
Spring 2010 Lecture Series
Dante and Boccaccio: Mythographers of Modernity
A Lecture by
Prof. Pier Massimo Forni
Johns Hopkins University
Wednesday, February 24th, 5:00 p.m.
Faculty Lounge, 12th Floor, Leon Lowenstein Building, Lincoln Center Campus
The lecture is free and open to the public. A Reception will follow the talk.
For both Dante and Boccaccio, paleophilia(i.e., love for things past) was the passport into a realm of intellectual aristocracy. A love of Antiquity shaped their identities and their works with the intensity of a first love. This talk will illustrate the dynamics through which Dante put the love of Antiquity to the service of his project to become the pre-eminent poet-prophet of modernity. A glance at Boccaccio’s identity-building as a process much influenced by the figure and the work of Dante completes the talk. This lecture is co-sponsored with Literary Studies, the Department of Modern Languages and Literature, and the Dean of Arts and Sciences Faculty.
For more information, contact:
Center for Medieval Studies
Fordham University
(718) 817-4655
Matthew Richmond
Administrative Assistant
Center for Medieval Studies
Fordham University
(t) 718.817.4655
(f) 718.817.3987
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Megan Moore on Women's Work
Friday, February 19 at 5:00 in room 4202, the French Lounge
Dr. Megan Moore, Visiting Assistant Professor of French at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2009, is now completing her book, Exchanges in Exoticism: Byzantium and the Making of the Mediterranean in Old French Romance.
The Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue
Sponsored by the Ph.D. Program in French
A reception will follow the lecture.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Saint and Sultan at Fordham
A medieval ‘summit’ with 21st-century lessons?
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
6–8 p.m.
Fordham University • Lincoln Center Campus
12th floor Lounge • 113 W. 60th Street
What really happened in this meeting? What does it teach us about the encounter between Christianity and Islam? What does it tell us about the use and abuse of history? { That’s a debate. }
Four authors, four contrasting views:
Paul Moses, Brooklyn College, journalist and author,
The Saint and the Sultan: The Crusades, Islam, and Francis of Assisi’s
Mission of Peace
John Tolan, University of Nantes, historian and author,
Saint Francis and the Sultan: The Curious History of a Christian-Muslim Encounter
Kathleen Warren, OSF, filmmaker and author,
Daring to Cross the Threshold: Francis of Assisi Encounters Sultan Malek al-Kamil
Adnan Husain, Queen’s University Canada, historian and author,
Identity Polemics: Encounters with Islam in the Medieval Mediterranean World (1150-1300)
R.S.V.P. to, (212) 636-7347
For more information:
Jesús Rodríguez-Velasco at Medieval Club
Lecture: February 5, 2010 at 7:30 PM (followed by reception)
Room 4406 (English Program Lounge), The Graduate Center, CUNY 365 Fifth Avenue
Jesús Rodríguez-Velasco, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Columbia University
"Dead Voice"
ABSTRACT I will examine the role played by the legal institution of the "dead voice"("mortua vox") in the formation of the public "persona"before and within the law. To do that, I will focus on the third Partida of Alfonso X (ca. 1270), and how this code establishes the relationships between the public and the private in the realm of the procedural law.
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Jesús Rodríguez-Velasco teaches Medieval and Early Modern Studies at Columbia. He has taught at the University of California, Berkeley, Universidad de Salamanca, Université de Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle), and the École Normale Supérieure (Lettres et Sciences Humaines). Among his publications are books and articles on medieval and early modern knighthood, material culture, medieval political theory, poetry, and other subjects. His latest book, Knightly Citizenship and Monarchical Sovereignty in the Iberian Late Middle Ages, is forthcoming from the University of Pennsylvania Press.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Medieval Nature and Its Others
Medieval Nature and its Others
Organized by Christopher Cannon and Carolyn Dinshaw
Friday, April 23, 2009
13-19 University Place, room 102
1:30pm- 7:00 pm
Moderator, Susan Crane,(Columbia University),
N. Katherine Hayles (Duke University), Bruce Holsinger (University of Virginia), Eileen Joy (Southern Illinois University),
Mark Miller (University of Chicago), Kellie Robertson (University of Wisconsin)Wednesday, January 20, 2010
CELCE Spring Program
February 4
Paris is Worth a Massacre: Marlowe and the Death of Ramus
(pre-circulated paper; email the organizers for a copy)
John Guillory
Room 222
February 25
The Poetics of Praise
Cary Howie
Room 222
March 12 (Friday)
The Untimely Mammet of Verona
Gil Harris
Room 222
April 8
Feeling Time: Prose Aesthetics in the Cloud of Unknowing
Eleanor Johnson
Room 224
April 22
Keeping Things Still in Renaissance England
Julian Yates
Room 224
Christiana Sogno @ Fordham
Spring 2010 Lecture Series
How Did Symmachus Become the ‘Last Great Pagan’?
A Lecture by
Dr. Christiana Sogno
Fordham University
Wednesday, January 27th, 12:00 p.m.
O’Hare Collections, 4th Floor, Walsh Library, Rose Hill Campus
The lecture is free and open to the public. A Reception will follow the talk.
In the Fall of 384 CE, Q. Aurelius Symmachus wrote an impassioned speech in the form of a letter in order to defend the traditional religion of Rome, thus engaging in the so-called “Battle of the Altar” with the fierce bishop of Milan, Ambrose. Even though Symmachus lost the battle, that impassioned relatio eventually became his most famous and celebrated piece of writing, and there can be little doubt that it greatly contributed to Symmachus’ “modern” reputation as one of the last great “pagans.” But how deserved is this reputation? Not entirely deserved, one might argue, given the fact that a careful and recent analysis of his letters shows that a great many correspondents of Symmachus were in fact Christians. Leaving aside the (vexed) problem of Symmachus’ commitment to the “pagan cause,” this paper will focus on the issue of Symmachus’ reputation: Was Symmachus always regarded as the “last great pagan”? If not, when and how did he become one? Such questions are not mere curiosities, but might be helpful for understanding how scholarly prejudices are born, and how they influence the research and study of history.
For more information, contact:
Center for Medieval Studies
Fordham University
(718) 817-4655
Friday, January 15, 2010
Latinities in England
Latinities in England, 894-1135
A workshop in two parts
David Townsend
(University of Toronto)
Friday, January 22
* * * * * *
Morning Session (11 a.m.—12:30 p.m.)
Asser and Æthelweard
Afternoon Session (2 p.m.—3:30 p.m.)
Goscelin and William of Malmesbury
* * * * * *
New York University
13-19 University Place, Room 229
Co-sponsored by the Department of English, New York University
Please note: the event is open to pre-registered participants only; for pre-registration and recommended reading, please contact Gerald Song (
To join our e-mail list, please send a message to:
For further updates and future talks, please check our website:
Peter Landau @ Columbia
Identifying the Archpoeta: Canon Law and Latin Poetry in Twelfth-Century Cologne
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 5:00 pm
Room 523 Butler Library, Columbia University
Reception to follow
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Fordham Spring Lectures
Spring 2010 Lecture Series
Wednesday, January 27, 1:00 p.m.
O’Hare Collections, 4th Floor, Walsh Library
How Did Symmachus Become the Last Great Pagan?
Christiana Sogno, Fordham University
Wednesday, February 24, 5:00 p.m.
Faculty Lounge, 12th Floor, Leon Lowenstein Building, Lincoln Center
Boccacio’s Family Romance
Pier Massimo Forni, Johns Hopkins University
Wednesday, March 10, 12:00 p.m.
O’Hare Collections, 4th Floor, Walsh Library
A Prince Goes Shopping. Art and Luxuries, the Duke and His City (Bruges in the Burgundian Era c. 1380-c.1500)
Peter Stabel, University of Antwerp
March 27-28, Leon Lowenstein Building, Lincoln Center
30th Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval Studies:
New Directions in Medieval Scandinavian Studies
Friday, April 9, 5:15 p.m.
University Commons, Duane Library
Parochial Communities in Late Medieval England: a Matter of Perspective
All are invited. A Reception or Lunch Buffet follows each talk
For more information, contact
Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University
(718) 817-4655;